Dear friends- drivers and enthusists :
It is not by chance or co-incidence that many major events, even those with professional and commercial backing, have adopted a bi-ennial regime.
Energy and enthusiasm are essential for keeping our standards up to public expectations, and an overload of work and stress, often brought about by multi-tasking, leads to what we refer to as "burn-out". The team of volunteers at Historally, over whom I have the pleasure to preside, has prudently decided to avoid this.
The 2019 edition of MHIBA has been the most successful to date, with the highpsot being the sumptuous garden-party on Saturday evening.
To achieve better than this is a real challenge, but that's what we want to offer you in 2021.
In the meantime we will be re-charging our batteries, so to speak.
I look forward to the plkeasure of your company once again in 2021, on the slopes of the Ballon d'Alsace, where we will re-live together these 115 years of motorsport.
Yours passionately
Jean-Pierre Munsch.